A Word From Our Pastor
In this weekend’s Readings from Scripture, we hear about the theme of Call. We…
Lenten Bible Study
Bishop Barron’s six-week video series CONVERSIONJoin us as we reflect on six Biblical stories…
Saint John School News
We had a wonderful Catholic Schools Week with many fun activities and adventures. We…
A Word From Our Pastor
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus in…
Save the Dates
PARISH MISSIONHosted by Saints John and Andrew and St. Vincent de Paul Blessed Sacrament…
Bishop Lucia’s Pastoral Letter – With Liberty and Justice For All
Original Link: With Liberty and Justice For All
A Word From Our Pastor
These past two Sundays we have heard from St. Paul’s First Letter to the…
A Word From Our Pastor
This period of time is a gift to us and a time for us…
Souper Bowl Pool
Sign up now and enter the 2025 SOUPER BOWL POOL to benefit Loaves &…
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
RSVP now has a Social Connection Telephone Program for olderadults and shut-ins called GAB….
Knights of Columbus
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 206: is looking for a few good men. If you…
CYO Basketball Varsity Home games for Saints John and Andrew
Sunday January 19 – 3:45 pm vs Holy Family Wednesday January 22 – 7:45…
George’s Garments
This free clothing give away center was first established on Nov. 4, 20107 at…
A Word From Our Pastor
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus and…
A Word From Our Pastor
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and…
Samaritan House of Binghamton
Samaritan House of Binghamton is a community-based center dedicated to addressing the human needs…
From The Desk of Bishop Lucia
In the Catholic Church 2025, a Jubilee or Holy Year is a special year…
Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner Basket Drive was a success! We met our goal of…
A Word From Our Pastor
At last, we are into the final days of our Advent journey. We are…
A Word From Our Pastor
In this weekend’s readings from Sacred Scripture, we are called to rejoice. In the…
Saint John School News
Advent wreaths, Advent pictures, Advent songs, and oh so many good wishes! The halls…
A Word From Our Pastor
This Sunday we celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent. It is a tradition in…
Annual Christmas Sharing
This year, for our annual Christmas Sharing, we will once again be accepting gift…
A Word From Our Pastor
This weekend we celebrate the beginning of another Church Year. As we usually begin…
Danielle House Volunteers
Are you ready to make a difference? There are exciting volunteer opportunities at the…
A Word From Our Pastor
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. This is a difficult…
Saint John’s School News
This week at St. John’s, the 2nd grade has been ex-ploring why the Pilgrims…
Moving On Up!
The Dec. 2nd move of the parish office to the Presbytery is upon us….
Advent Gospel Reflection
As we embark on our Advent journey this year, let us gather for three…
A Word From Our Pastor
As we soon approach the New Year, a ritual that takes place in every…
Saint John’s School News
Last week at St. John’s school, families sent in pictures of their loved ones…
Deacon Apparel in the Diocese of Syracuse
Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent (December 1, 2024), Bishop Lucia has implemented a…
Holiday Money 50/50 Tickets
HOLIDAY MONEY 50/50 TICKETS AVAILABLE The Society of St. Therese is running a 50/50,…
A Word From Our Pastor
In this weekend’s Gospel, we are told about the power of the widow’s donation….
Saint John’s School News
Another month of school has ended. Of course, we don’t let anything go quietly!…
A Word From Our Pastor
I am happy to share with all of you that Melissa Peters has agreed…
Saint John’s School News
This past week at St. John’s School, the Art teacher, Mrs. Mandolfi, had our…
Attention All Youth of the Parish
Calling all youth of Grades 7-12. Are you interesting in joining a Youth group…
A Word From Our Pastor
I would like to share with you that Megan Berg has accepted the position…
Saint John’s School News
The 4th graders at St. John’s spent the morning at Roberson Museum, The students…
Save Around Coupon Books
The CYO program is selling the 2025 Save Around coupon books again this year….
A Word From Our Pastor
This weekend we celebrate Deacon Sunday. It is a time when we pause and…
Saint John’s School News
On the feast of the Guardian Angel, our 5th grade “Guardian Angels” did a…
Thanksgiving Dinner Bag Drive
It is that time of the year! Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner Bag Drive begins…
Holy Name Society Announcement
In March there was a meeting of the Holy Name Society with a focus…
Saint John’s School News
After an unfortunate delay, St. John’s School finally had their opening of the school…
A Word From Our Pastor
This Weekend we celebrate Respect Life Sunday. It is a time for us as…
Poinsettia and Christmas Wreaths
The Parish and the CYO program are selling Poinsettias and Decorated Wreaths for the…
Saint John’s School News
SAINT JOHN’S SCHOOL NEWS! Many events happened this week at our school. On Monday…
A Word From Our Pastor
In our First Reading this weekend from the Book of Numbers, Moses speaks of…
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
The United States Council of Catholic Bishops would like us to read and prayerfully…
Faith Formation 2024-2025
FAITH FORMTION 2024-2025: will begin on Sun- day, October 20, 2024 from 9:45 am…
Kids and Christ Moments
Throughout our school day the children in grades preschool 4 through 6th encounter Jesus….
A Word From the Pastor
In this weekend’s Gospel Reading, our Lord Jesus tells us that discipleship involves suffering….
Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets
Individuals and families living in Broome County will have the opportunity to sign-up for…
A Word From The Pastor
In this weekend’s Gospel Reading our Lord Jesus asks His disciples the question: “Who…
A Word From the Pastor
It is hard to believe that Labor Day weekend is upon us. How quickly…
A Word From the Pastor
The big day of our River Mass has finally arrived. I am looking forward…
Southern Tier Catholic Men of Christ
Southern Tier Catholic Men of Christ Fellowship Breakfast Save the dates for following 3rd…
A Word From Our Pastor
Our Annual River Mass will take place next Sunday. We will begin with a…
Catholic Schools of Broome County – Open Admissions
A Word From the Pastor
In this weekend’s Readings from Sacred Scripture, we are told about Elijah and how…
Welcome to the New Site!
No, you are not on the wrong web page. Welcome to the new Saints…
The Silver Circle
THE SILVER CIRCLE: is a membership program that benefits retired Immaculate Heart of Mary…
Location of the bottle drive has changed.
The collection of bottles and cans for the 7th and 8th grades OF SETON…