This past week at St. John’s School, the Art teacher, Mrs. Mandolfi, had our students learning about working with pastels, water resistant painting and perspective drawings. The students also learned about Vincent Van Gough and the Japanese artist Yayoi Kursana. The upstairs hallway in the school is filled with the students’ colorful artwork.

There are 2 more weeks left on the Annual Fund! Look over the colorful flyers in the back of the church to see how the Annual Fund money raised is utilized. Can you believe we are actually taking registrations for the Santa Run? Registration is open! Please think about running or walking this 5k money fundraiser. Checkout the updated website for more details.

On Oct 18th, the children in our school joined children from around the world praying the Rosary. The goal was one million children praying for peace and unity in world. The children were very excited to be praying with all the children from different countries. May your new week ahead be a blessed one!.